I began yoga in India in 1991 and completed my Teaching Diploma with the British Wheel of Yoga in 1999. Since that time, I’ve attended regular retreats and trainings with with respected yoga and meditation teachers and learned from osteopaths, physiotherapists and other body-heart-mind practitioners. I have specialist training in Yoga for People Living with Cancer, yoga for back issues, breath practice, a diploma in teaching adults, BA Hons in Philosophy (Eastern & Western), certificate in Counselling and am a Rosen Bodywork practitioner in training. I’m a member of the British Wheel of Yoga, the Rosen Institute and Rosen Method Professional Association UK. My yoga teaching is rooted in a consistent personal practice and continues to evolve.
For the past 23 years, I’ve taught weekly open classes, individual sessions, workshops, events and retreats as well as specialised classes for people with limited mobility, long-term illness, mental health difficulties and learning disabilities, carers, children, dancers, actors and health professionals. From 2001 to 2014 I delivered a range courses in yoga, healthy living and lifeskills for Lancashire Adult Learning and taught yoga for Lancaster University and Ludus Dance. I regularly joined the team at Dhanakosa Buddhist retreat centre, Scotland to co-lead yoga and meditation retreats, held yoga weekends at Samye Ling Tibetan monastery and jointly organised the Yoga Space at Buddhafield Festival in Somerset. Until lockdown, I was contracted by University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust to teach yoga to their staff. I currently work with local organisation CancerCare to provide Yoga for people living with cancer or other life-limiting illness. Yoga classes, events and individual sessions are now running in-person with a smaller group size than previously, mainly at the beautiful Friends’ Meeting House, Lancaster – classes are simultaneously live-streamed sessions by Zoom. I offer Rosen Method Bodywork in Lancaster and Didsbury. I support the TLC (Tara low-cost clinic) offering accessible therapies to people in need at the Tara Centre, Lancaster www.taracentrelancaster.org.uk
The yoga I practise and teach is very simple – moving, breathing, being – so that we can remember who we really are, be truly present in this moment and (re)discover the wealth of resources within, whatever may be happening in our life. As well as I can, I help each person to find their own unique yoga that is both enjoyable and beneficial.